Basilisk 2024.05.11

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Basilisk est un navigateur internet "laboratoire", c'est-à-dire, que les développeurs le considère comme toujours en phase "bêta". Originellement crée par les développeurs de MoonChild Productions, éditeur du navigateur Pale Moon, il était destiné à tester certaines fonctions avant intégration à Pale Moon. Désormais, depuis août 2022, Basilisk vole de ses propres ailes grâce à une nouvelle équipe.

Toujours clone de Firefox et basé sur le moteur Goanna (fork de Gecko), cette nouvelle équipe continuera à développer le code (basé sur XUL) abandonné par l'équipe de Mozilla lors du basculement de Firefox 56 à 57 tout en le modernisant.

De ce fait, Basilisk est désormais un navigateur totalement indépendant et suit donc son propre rythme de mise à jour. Il est cependant disponible que sur Windows (à partir de Windows 7) et Linux. Une version compatible pour macOS ARM (M1/M2) est en préparation...

Version actuelle : 2024.05.11 - Voir les extensions disponibles
[🇺🇸] : Windows 32 bits, 64 bits | Linux

Notes de version de Basilisk 2024.05.11 (11/05/2024)

v2024.05.11 Published 2024-05-11
This is a bugfix release.

  • Fixed an issue in v2024.05.01 where the preferences panel was broken.

v2024.05.01 Published 2024-05-07
This is a development, stability and security release.

  • Implemented support for single-use <link rel=preload> meta tag. This implementation allows use of it without specifying a second <link rel={type}> meta tag to actually load the linked document which was originally intended for this tag (to hint to a browser it should pre-load the document for fast painting).
  • Implemented CSP v3 keywords script-src-elemscript-src-attrstyle-src-elem and style-src-attr.
  • Added support for Emoji 15.1.
  • Implemented webkitURL legacy window alias for URL for web compatibility.
  • Implemented CSS shorthands margin-blockmargin-inlinepadding-block and padding-inline.
  • Added support for querying CPU capabilities (SSE2/AVX/AVX2) to the Navigator interface. For privacy reasons this is not exposed to the web, but can be used by extensions.
  • Removed site-specific override for due to breakage.
  • Fixed an issue where empty MIME type registrations would break some parts of the UI.
  • (Linux only) Pasting URLs to content now by default does not navigate to that URL.
  • If content-paste-navigation is enabled (via middlemouse.contentLoadURL), navigation is now restricted to pasting to active body type elements (to prevent unwanted navigation when pasting URLs to input boxes, for example).
  • Fixed a problem with JS modules preventing ExportEntries from working.
  • (Linux only) Fixed a build issue when building with a system-supplied cairo library (unsupported).
  • Fixed an issue where workers could lock up the browser with SetInterval with an out-of-bounds (too small) value. This is now clamped to 4ms matching the HTML spec.
  • Fixed a few usability issues with the built-in developer tools.
  • Fixed a potential crash in web workers.
  • Fixed a potential overflow issue in image maps.
  • Fixed an issue with attributes on duplicate html tags.
  • Aligned the behavior of internal pointer structures to be more uniform. DiD
  • Fixed broken mousewheel scrolling if building with --disable-npapi.
  • Fixed a minor issue with XUL tree display in some circumstances.
  • Dev: Aligned canvas Path2D.addPath with the updated spec. It now supports DOMMatrix as opposed to SVGMatrix.
  • Removed Stylo (Gecko Rust style system) leftovers from the source tree.
  • Fixed a few potential emoji display issues. As usual, it is proven time and time again that emoticons are better 🙂
  • Fixed some issues with workers.
  • Fixed an issue with ctrl+c copying in devtools.
  • Fixed crashes when run under WINE because of its lack of support for IDXGIKeyedMutex.
  • Fixed a crash when dealing with a specific (unmaintained) extension.
  • Added .xrm-ms files to the executable warning list on Windows.
  • Added sanity checks on HTTP/2 header sizes.
  • Fixed a potential issue in the JavaScript JIT compiler.
  • Pulled a few fixes from upstream for the OpenType Sanitizer.
  • Added a fix to avoid a potential issue when assigning a media data buffer.
  • Security issues addressed: CVE-2024-1551, CVE-2024-2610, CVE-2024-3863, CVE-2024-3302, CVE-2024-3857 DiD, CVE-2024-3859 and CVE-2024-3861 DiD.
Notes de versions complètes de Basilisk