Brave 1.68 (1.69 bêta, 1.70 nightly)

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Crée en 2016 par Brendan Eich, qui n'est qu'autre que le co-fondateur de la Mozilla Foundation et le créateur du Javascript, Brave se targue d'être le navigateur internet respectueux de ses utilisateurs.

En effet, basé sur Chromium et dé-Google-isé au niveau code interne, le navigateur intègre un bloqueur de pub et un anti-tracking. Il permet même, si l'utilisateur le veut, de les remplacer par de la publicité plus pertinente afin de rémunérer le site web sur lesquels elles apparaissent, l'éditeur du navigateur et l'utilisateur.

Version actuelle : 1.68
: Windows 10+ 32 bits, 64 bits | macOS Intel, ARM64 | Linux

Pour Linux, Brave est également disponible en Snap et FlatPak

Changelog Brave 1.68 (24/07/2024)


  • Added the ability to import BTC accounts (BIP84) into Brave Wallet. (#38446)
  • Added pagination to the “Portfolio NFT” page. (#38547)
  • Added the ability to allow hiding un-owned NFTs on the “Portfolio NFT” page. (#38549)
  • Added support for the Solana Token Extensions, part of the Solana Token-2022 program. (#36699)
  • Updated Brave Wallet to use Chainstack RPC proxy endpoints. (#38872)
  • Updated Avalanche to use Chainstack proxy. (#39299)
  • Updated the wallet panel to truncate long token names and balances in certain cases. (#38064)
  • Updated UI for the “Select Token” modal. (#37838)
  • Updated design for wallet settings modals. (#37362)
  • Updated length of “Account” name to 30 characters. (#23361)
  • Fixed inability to sign-in on “”. (#38878)
  • Fixed Brave Wallet performance in certain cases. (#26782)
  • Fixed issue where clicking “Send” on the NFT details screen did not pre-fill the send amount. (#39916)


  • Added a search widget to the New Tab Page. (#35535)
  • Added Nebula support for P3A. (#35841)
  • [Security] Reduced WireGuard tunnel service permissions on Windows as reported on HackerOne by newfunction. (#37846)
  • Enabled rich version of Brave Search autocomplete suggestions. (#29997)
  • Improved Brave Leo conversation UI layout. (#37792)
  • Improved component updater to check for updates more often. (#35164)
  • Updated Omaha installer version for Windows to v1.3.361.151 for new users. (#38597)
  • Updated the styling of the widgets on the New Tab Page. (#37213)
  • Updated Tor windows to show Tor daemon status when the window was opened via the “Tor” button in the URL bar. (#37927)
  • Removed Safety Check warning for local passwords. (#39212)
  • Fixed issue where LastPass extension failed to open. (#39759)
  • Fixed incorrect radius and colors for URL bar icon in certain cases. (#39561)
  • Fixed omnibox flicker when the “Download” button on the toolbar is clicked. (#39373)
  • Fixed visibility of “Import bookmarks now…” link via the infobar when using certain theme colors. (#38354)
  • Fixed error loading Brave VPN credentials in certain cases. (#36321)
  • Upgraded Chromium to 127.0.6533.73. (#39948) (Changelog for 127.0.6533.73)
Notes de version

Versions en cours de développement

Brave bêta
Version actuelle : 1.69
: Windows 10+ 32 bits, 64 bits | macOS Intel, ARM64 | Linux

Brave nightly
Version actuelle : 1.70
: Windows 10+ 32 bits, 64 bits | macOS Intel, ARM64 | Linux