Vivaldi 6.8.3381

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Vivaldi est un nouveau navigateur internet basé sur le moteur Blink (le fork de Webkit) et est destiné aux technophiles fâchés avec Google Chrome et ceux qui se sont senti délaissés avec l'abandon d'Opera de son ancien moteur Presto et de ses anciennes fonctionnalités.

Ainsi, les développeurs de Vivaldi vont proposer de retrouver ces anciennes fonctionnalités (client mail, client bitorrent, etc..) au sein d'une seule et même application.

Fin du support pour Windows 7 et 8.1 depuis la version 5.7

Version actuelle : 6.8.3381
Windows 10+, macOS et Linux

Nouveautés de Vivaldi 6.8 (20/06/2024)


  • [New][Search][Address bar] Ask new users if they want to enable search suggest (VB-105510)
  • [New][Search] Add Suggest URLs for Google, Yahoo and Startpage (VB-106786)
  • [New][Calendar] Show account name next to calendar names (VB-106358)
  • [New][Calendar] Suggest new account names from the account type (VB-106370)
  • [New][Mail] Add a Quick Reply feature (VB-12366)
  • [New][Mail][Settings] Prefetch a month and visible messages by default and provide additional settings (VB-29572)
  • [New][Mail] Undo button and dropdown menu where actions can be undone from a list (VB-32665)
  • [New][Mail][Settings] Show preview of message body text of 1, 2 or 3 lines (VB-98705)
  • [New][Tabs] Expose memory usage in tooltip: NB. Other browsers typically show inital load, ours updates periodically, so will increase over time (VB-102484)

Address bar

  • [Address bar] Field focus is lost on “Enter” (VB-105675)
  • [Address bar] Filter duplicate URLs in dropdown categories (VB-105835)
  • [Address bar] Non-intractable area inside URL field (VB-106717)
  • [Address bar] Problems with alignment of items in the drop down (VB-107189)
  • [Address bar] Search field item missing padding (VB-107186)
  • [Address bar] Search query in typed history are displayed even when setting off (VB-105877)
  • [Address bar] Search suggestion not ellipsed (VB-107206)
  • [Address bar] Single letter bookmark nicknames not working (VB-102765)
  • [Address bar] Sometimes searches instead of navigating when typing domains (VB-105160)
  • [Address bar] Switch URL and Title position (VB-106883)
  • [Address bar] The dropdown breaks when suggest URL doesn’t resolve: e.g. during Bing outage (VB-106798)
  • [Address bar] The dropdown duplicate filter remove everything when search text contains space (VB-106530)
  • [Address bar] Undo command fails when undo to a completion (VB-105826)
  • [Address bar] “Open tab” setting not present when priority list has been modified (VB-106690)
  • [Address bar][Search] Don’t display search engine nickname in dropdown (VB-107102)
  • [Address bar][Settings] No nickname match when hiding bookmark category (VB-106053)

(Tracker and Ad) Blocker

  • [Blocker] Add support for hosts files in the adblocker (VB-106558)
  • [Blocker] Improve generation of snippet rules (VB-106452)
  • [Blocker] Lower the minimum time between rule updates to 1h (VB-106453)
  • [Blocker] Number in blocker dialog breaks to 2 lines (VB-106625)
  • [Blocker] Update the snippets used by the ABP anticv list (VB-105730)
  • [Blocker] “Import New Blocker List” dialog does not display correctly (VB-104813)


  • [Crash] After untiling and closing tab (VB-99032)
  • [Crash] Crash on text input: additional fix (VB-87945)
  • [Crash][Extensions] Clicking the Text Blaze extension icon (VB-107067)
  • [Crash][Settings] Clicking on “Reset Global Permissions” button (VB-107121)
  • [Crash][Settings] Opening privacy settings (VB-106321)


  • [macOS] Maximized window size is not remembered after closing windows and quitting (VB-98746)
  • [macOS] Provide haptic feedback for drag and drop actions (VB-107066)
  • [macOS] Register ‘webcal:’ protocol handler (VB-106218)
  • [macOS] Update Sparkle to 2.6.3 (VB-106557)
  • [macOS] Upgrade the Sparkle update framework (VB-106557)
  • [macOS][Menus] Cannot select sub-menus from the global menu bar when periodic reloading is enabled (VB-92519)
  • [macOS][Menus] ‘Other Window and Tabs’ does not show the contents (VB-106345)
  • [macOS][Menus] ‘Other Workspaces and Tabs’ option is not working correctly (VB-106378)
  • [macOS][Panels] Panel not hidden when you hide UI in fullscreen mode (VB-107011)
  • [macOS][Popout Video] Picture in Picture on Google Meet doesn’t work (VB-99252)


  • [Settings] Category list acts as though it is multi-select when it is not (VB-64462)
  • [Settings] Clarify Mailing list grouping options (VB-106644)
  • [Settings] Clicking on “Reset Global Permissions” button causes an immediate crash (VB-107121)
  • [Settings] Opening guest window resets compact menu setting (VB-106962)
  • [Settings] Wrong date and time format settings (VB-106591)
  • [Settings][Gestures] Animation do not play for some commands (VB-107244)
  • [Settings][Gestures] Can not add custom gesture (VB-106939)


  • [Tabs] Add a “switch to this tab” button in urlfield when suggesting url that is in open tab (VB-105330)
  • [Tabs] Alt+click on the close button in a stack behaves unexpectedly (VB-106968)
  • [Tabs] Compact display style is not applied to two-level stacks with horizontal scrolling enabled (VB-107217)
  • [Tabs] Compact stacks broken in horizontal scrolling tab bar (VB-99751)
  • [Tabs] Handle Fastmail notifications special-case and improve performance (VB-105796)
  • [Tabs] Put the plus back where it was, on the vertical tabs (VB-105967)
  • [Tabs] Thumbnails should have a minimum height when shown “left” or “right” (VB-77184)
  • [Tabs] Various issues related to moving (VB-105807)
  • [Tabs] “Close Other Tabs” closes all tabs (VB-106702)
  • [Tabs][Commands][Workspaces] Add a command to create new workspace with selected tabs (VB-105454)
  • [Tabs][Periodic Reload] Improve performance (VB-107027)
  • [Tabs][Settings] New tab does not open at the end of the tab bar with some configurations (VB-107104)


  • [Workspaces] Add toggle in settings to disable switching workspaces by scrolling (VB-105673)
  • [Workspaces] New workspace is not properly activated after creating it with all the tabs from the current workspace (VB-105727)
  • [Workspaces][Menus] Cannot see other windows/workspaces or their tabs in the window menu (VB-93560)
  • [Workspaces][Tabs] Moving a tab to another window changes workspaces (VB-106776)


  • [A11y] Display command shortcuts in ToolbarButton tooltips (VB-106546)
  • [A11y] Screen readers don’t announce errors and warnings (VB-106311)
  • [Bookmarks] Bookmarking trashed items does not work in windows panel (VB-106971)
  • [Bookmarks] Tooltip in bookmarks bar only displays URL (VB-105646)
  • [Break Mode] Take a Breather: breathing animation (VB-106816)
  • [Break Mode][Privacy] Obscure more parts of the UI (VB-106952)
  • [Chromium] Upgraded to 126.0.6478.119
  • [Downloads] Location doesn’t update when using “Save as” (VB-106015)
  • [Downloads] Notify of failed downloads: e.g. network, timeout, disk, security (VB-106504)
  • [Favicons] Drawn as rectangles — img[src] missing, causing no fallback icon (VB-106605)
  • [Feeds][Address Bar] Remove feed discovery submenu (always preview feeds) (VB-102316)
  • [Fullscreen][Settings] Empty bar appears on top, with tab bar on the side (VB-106038)
  • [History][Performance] Items with very long URLs cause slow down (VB-107119)
  • [Languages] Add Georgian and Sinhala languages (VB-106941)
  • [Linux] Update appdata.xml with newer images and more information
  • [Menus] Wrong content in ‘Other Windows and Tabs’ (VB-105195)
  • [Menus] [Tabs] All ‘Close Tab’ options in context menu are missing when a pinned tab is selected/active (VB-103765)
  • [Panels] Closed tabs’ context menu broken in Windows Panel (VB-106967)
  • [Panels] Update Status button misaligned on the Panels’ side bar when restart is required (VB-105179)
  • [Panels] Update the web panel UA to pretend to be a more modern device
  • [Quick Commands] Show tip on first use (VB-106904)
  • [Search] Disappearing entered words in the Search field (VB-104740)
  • [Search] Update Private window default search to Startpage for all countries (VB-106518)
  • [Spatnav] Initial target is not selected on first try after navigation (VB-99160)
  • [Speed Dial] Drag’n’drop feels weird (VB-102372)
  • [Speed Dial][Settings] Click is broken if “Allow DnD Reordering” disabled (VB-107227)
  • [Status bar] Add a “Button On” state to Page Tiling button (VB-106570)
  • [Sync] Conflict after reset (VB-107056)[Themes] Allow customisation of multi state buttons (VB-96517)
  • [Themes] Thumbnails overlap UI if Show Tab Thumbnails activated (VB-106176)
  • [Toolbars] Add a separate Panel Width Spacer (VB-105362)
  • [Toolbars][A11y] Update the Toolbar Button shortcut on commandId props change (VB-106770)
  • [Translate] Incomplete translation on (VB-106323)
  • [UI] Better Handling of locked secure storage backends (VB-104366)
  • [Web Compatibility] Auth does not work when link is clicked on directly (VB-106333)
  • [Web Compatibility] ‘Save Page As…’ doesn’t work for some of special pages (VB-105895)
  • [Welcome] Add an option to import installed Chrome extensions (VB-105945)

Mail, Calendar, and Feeds 2.0


  • [Mail] Account status in Status Popup should show live state of syncing (VB-106224)
  • [Mail] Add new,, and mailing list groups (VB-106646)
  • [Mail] Certain messages not in mailing list filter (VB-95800)
  • [Mail] Constraint errors when getting mail from Yahoo/AOL IMAP servers (VB-105949)
  • [Mail] Download mails faster and download newest mails first (VB-99073)
  • [Mail] Fix mailing list subfolders generated from “Subject:” (VB-106645)
  • [Mail] Fixes for “not queueing” warnings in flagging and filtering queues (VB-105788)
  • [Mail] IMAP UID FETCH: Too long argument error (VB-105650)
  • [Mail] Improve display of mail composed with Apple Mail (VB-34557)
  • [Mail] Issue with preview on demand generation (VB-107262)
  • [Mail] Message opened in tab does not have focus (VB-35697)
  • [Mail] Message saved as empty file (VB-106542)
  • [Mail] Prefetch progress gets stuck (VB-107346)
  • [Mail] Sent and imported messages displayed as 0 bytes (VB-106674)
  • [Mail] Sent plain text preview wrapped in HTML tags (VB-107064)
  • [Mail] Settings filters adding “NOT” in front of search terms (VB-106657)
  • [Mail] Show Email vendor icons/logo during account-adding (VB-106347)
  • [Mail] Strip repeating punctuation marks from previews: headline and horizontal rule notations (VB-105704)
  • [Mail] TypeError when searching in emails (VB-106424)
  • [Mail] Undo UI gets broken when scroll bar appears (VB-107254)
  • [Mail] When opening an email through a new mail notification the “mark as read” button is disabled (VB-87210)
  • [Mail] oAuth popup dialog keeps showing (VB-107077)
  • [Mail] “Not queuing flag update request…” warning spam (VB-105788)
  • [Mail] “Start Search Using Enter Key” setting not working in menu (VB-106906)
  • [Mail][Calendar] oAuth popup dialog keeps showing (VB-107077)
  • [Mail][Feeds] Panels stuck infinitely loading after db fault (VB-106920)
  • [Mail][Menus] Show Raw Message option in message body right-click menu is now missing (VB-106055)
  • [Mail][POP3] TypeError: Cannot perform %TypedArray%.prototype.indexOf on a detached ArrayBuffer (VB-106528)


  • [Calendar] Account name field does not display correctly (VB-106514)
  • [Calendar] Add the possibility to search in panel (VB-104632)
  • [Calendar] Default focus should be in Calendar, not Search (VB-71840)
  • [Calendar] Dim background for the reminder dialog (VB-106551)
  • [Calendar] Error deleting event on server (VB-106213)
  • [Calendar] Event draft is discarded when using drag and drop to edit event start time (VB-64747)
  • [Calendar] Events imported into existing calendar (VB-106496)
  • [Calendar] Import progress not reported correctly (VB-106104)
  • [Calendar] Improve drag handling when editing event (VB-106529)
  • [Calendar] New empty event not dismissed on click outside (VB-106197)
  • [Calendar] Panel auto closes when clicking in date picker dropdown (VB-106987)
  • [Calendar] Unexpected exception_event_id value (VB-106048)
  • [Calendar] Using mouse wheel to change event time closes dialog and switches the month view (VB-105774)
  • [Calendar] “Not a new action” when scrolling (VB-106049)
Notes de version complètes

Version en cours de développement

Vivaldi snapshot
Version actuelle : 6.7
: Windows, macOS et Linux