Sandboxie Plus 1.14.3 / Classic 5.69.3

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Sandboxie est ce qu'on pourrait appeler un programme de protection d'ordinateur, mais pas dans la même catégorie qu'un antivirus ou autre anti-malware. Dans les grandes lignes, il permet de créer un espace sécurisé où ira s’exécuter un logiciel souhaité (un navigateur internet, un programme quelconque) et toutes les modifications apportées par le logiciel isolé ne se répercutera pas en dehors de l'espace protégé.

Par exemple, dans le cas d'une navigation sur internet avec un navigateur isolé, si vous téléchargez un fichier exécutable qui s'avère être un virus (on parle beaucoup des CryptoLocker ou d'autres logiciels de rançons), le malware ne modifiera que les fichiers à l'intérieur de l'espace protégé laissant ainsi tous les documents et photos personnelles en dehors de cet espace intact.

Sandboxie est un logiciel devenu gratuit pour une utilisation personnelle depuis la version 5.31, des modifications ont été entrepris pour une transformation en logiciel open-source. Ainsi, depuis avril 2020, un autre développeur a repris le développement sous forme d'un fork appelé : Sandboxie Plus.

Il est compatible de Windows 7 à Windows 11.

Sandboxie Plus / Sandboxie Classic
Versions actuelles : 1.14.3 / 5.69.3
Windows 32 et 64 bits

Notes de version de Sandboxie Plus 1.14.3 / Classic 5.69.3 (01/07/2024)


  • changed Qt 5 version to Qt 5.15.14 with OpenSSL 3.3.1 #3994 (thanks offhub)


  • fixed Applications cannot be launched as admin in a sandbox with "UseCreateToken/SandboxieAllGroup" enabled when using an MSFT account #4022
  • fixed Firefox issue with Sbie 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 #4012
    • rolled back the driver verifier fix added in 1.14.1
  • fixed CustomChromiumFlags and --single-argument issue #4033
  • fixed Sandboxie programs do not terminate after closing programs that run as admin with UseCreateToken/SandboxieAllGroup enabled #4030

[1.14.2 / 5.69.2] - 2024-06-19


  • added SbieIni option to modify password-protected configs #3903
    • usage: set|append|insert|delete [/passwd:********]
    • Note: use /passwd without the password to have SbieIni prompt for the password on the console, this hides the password from view and from being captured with the command line
  • added checkbox for "PromptForInternetAccess" option to the New Box Wizard
  • added option "HideNonSystemProcesses" to hide processes not in a sandbox from processes lists for sandboxed processes
  • added option "HideSbieProcesses" to hide Sandboxie Work Process (SbieSvc, SandboxieRpcSs, etc.)
  • added option "HideFirmwareInfo"
    • when it is set, the programs that try getting firmware information will get false data from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SandboxieHide\FalseFirmwareValue
  • added template "BlockAccessWMI" to prevent sandboxed processes from accessing system information through WMI
  • added template "BlockLocalConnect" to prevent sandboxed processes from sending network packets to localhost to breakout sandbox
  • added new option "AllowCoverTaskbar" for #3975
  • added RPC Port message filter mechanism to block unsafe RDP calls via the driver #3930
    • usage: "RpcPortFilter=Port,ID,Label" label is optional
  • added "Job Object" options page to collect all job object related options


  • extend "Temp Template" to make it could delete local template section


  • fixed security issue with the newly introduced experimental "UseCreateToken=y" mechanism
  • fixed issue with "UseCreateToken=y" when using a MSFT online account
  • fixed Export sandbox not containing hidden files #3980 (thanks L4cache)
  • fixed Chrome stopped printing #3926
    • Sandboxie will add CustomChromiumFlags=--disable-features=PrintCompositorLPAC to Chromium-based browsers command line
    • Note: Less Privileged App Container (LPAC) don't work with Sandboxie currently
  • fixed Problem accessing a relative symlink with a target that starts with a dot #3981
  • fixed Can't open a sandbox's properties window via double-click in System Tray context window #3861
  • fixed Delay in launching forced programs after version 1.12.9 #3868
    • this issue was introduced in 1.13.0 and may have broadly affected other use cases and cause various problems
  • fixed issue with Misc Options list
  • improved compatibility with steam running sandboxed

[1.14.1 / 5.69.1] - 2024-06-06


  • added "Sandboxie\All Sandboxes" SID into token with SandboxieLogon #3191
    • to use this feature "SandboxieAllGroup=y" must be enabled
    • Note: this fundamentally changes the mechanism Sbie uses for token creation, the new mechanism can be enabled separately with "UseCreateToken=y"
  • added "EditAdminOnly=y" can now be configured per box
  • added UI for CoverBoxedWindows in NewBoxWizard
  • added UI option to start unsandboxed process but force child processes in SelectBoxWindow
  • added option "AlertBeforeStart"
    • when it is set, a prompt pops up before launching a new program into the sandbox using "Start.exe" and checks if the program that started "Start.exe" is a Sandboxie component itself, if it is not, a warning pops up
  • added option for EditAdminOnly in SetupWizard


  • split the advanced new box wizard page in two
  • reorganized box options a bit


  • fixed issue with proxy authentication setting
  • fixed memory leak in sbiesvc
  • fixed issue with inconsistent WFP option application #3900
  • fixed resource leak in buffer hashing function
  • fixed DLL name corruption when BlockInterferenceControl is enabled #3945
  • fixed issue with driver verifier

[1.14.0 / 5.69.0] - 2024-05-17


  • added option to limit the memory of sandboxed processes and the number of processes in single sandbox through job object (thanks Yeyixiao)
    • use "TotalMemoryLimit" (Number, limit whole sandbox, Byte) and "ProcessMemoryLimit" (Number, limit single process, Byte) to set memory limit
    • use "ProcessNumberLimit" (Number) to set process number limit
  • added ability to modified sandboxed process logic speed (reduced fixed latency, modified single-player speed, etc.) (thanks Yeyixiao)
    • use "UseChangeSpeed=y" to open this feature, use "AddTickSpeed" / "AddSleepSpeed" / "AddTimerSpeed" / "LowTickSpeed" / "LowSleepSpeed" / "LowTimerSpeed" (Number) to set
    • when set to "AddSleepSpeed=0", all sleep function calls will be skipped
  • added /fcp /force_children command line option to start.exe it allows to start a program unsandboxed but have all its children sandboxed
  • added ability to force sandboxed processes to use a pre-defined SOCKS5 proxy
  • added ability to intercept DNS queries so that they can be logged and/or redirected
  • added support for SOCKS5 proxy authentication based on RFC1928 (thanks Deezzir)
  • added Test Dialog UI for SOCKS5 proxy (thanks Deezzir)
  • added ability to automatically removes template references that begin with "Template_Temp_" in the sandbox


  • validated compatibility with Windows build 26217 and updated DynData


  • fixed an issue with an early batch of Large Supporter certificates
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