Mozilla Firefox 37.0.1

Une nouvelle version finale est disponible sur les serveurs de la fondation Mozilla. Cette version 37.0 intègre de nombreuses améliorations au niveau de gestion du WebGL sur Windows, propose un système de notation baptisé "Heartbeat" et sécurise les recherches sur Bing.

A part ça, voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :

  • New Heartbeat user rating system - your feedback about Firefox
  • New Yandex set as default search provider for the Turkish locale
  • New Bing search now uses HTTPS for secure searching
  • New Improved protection against site impersonation via OneCRL centralized certificate revocation
  • New Opportunistically encrypt HTTP traffic where the server supports HTTP/2 AltSvc
  • Changed Disabled insecure TLS version fallback for site security
  • Changed Extended SSL error reporting for reporting non-certificate errors
  • Changed TLS False Start optimization now requires a cipher suite using AEAD construction
  • Changed Improved certificate and TLS communication security by removing support for DSA
  • Changed Improved performance of WebGL rendering on Windows
  • HTML5 Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube.
  • HTML5 New SDP/JSEP implementation in WebRTC
  • HTML5 IndexedDB now accessible from worker threads
  • HTML5 Added support for CSS display:contents
  • Developer Debug tabs opened in Chrome Desktop, Chrome for Android, and Safari for iOS
  • Developer New Inspector animations panel to control element animations
  • Developer New Security Panel included in Network Panel
  • Developer Debugger panel support for chrome:// and about:// URIs
  • Developer Added logging of weak ciphers to the web console
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