Une nouvelle mouture du navigateur Firefox est arrivée. Pour cette version 104, quelques améliorations en tout genre sont à noter.
Les adeptes de Disney+ pourront désormais activer les sous-titres en mode Picture-in-Picture et divers outils d'analyse de consommation d'énergie ont été ajoutés.
D'autres corrections de bugs concernant la gestion des sites sous HTTPS ainsi que la fonction copier-coller ont été appliquées.
Naturellement, d'autres nouveautés concernant les développeurs et les entreprises sont incluses dans cette version.
Voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :
- Fixed a bug making it impossible to use touch or a stylus to drag the scrollbar on pages (bug 1787361).
- Fixed an issue causing some users to crash in out-of-memory conditions (bug 1774155).
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes affect video & audio playback when loaded via a cross-origin iframe
attribute (bug 1781759).
- Addresses an issue with Youtube video playback that was affecting some users.
- Subtitles are now available for Disney+ in Picture-in-Picture.
- Firefox now supports both the
property as well asre-snapping
. You can use the scroll-snap-stop property's always and normal values to specify whether or not to pass the snap points, even when scrolling fast.Re-snapping
tries to keep the last snap position after any content/layout changes. - The Firefox profiler can analyze power usage of a website (Apple M1 and Windows 11 only).
- The Firefox UI itself will now be throttled for performance and battery usage when minimized or occluded, in the same way background tabs are.
- Highlight color is preserved correctly after typing
in the mail composer of Yahoo Mail and Outlook. - After bypassing the https only error page navigating back would take you to the error page that was previously dismissed. Back now takes you to the previous site that was visited.
- Paste unformatted shortcut (shift+ctrl/cmd+v) now works in plain text contexts, such as input and text area.
- Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. You can find more information in the Firefox for Enterprise 104 Release Notes.
- Various security fixes.
Mozilla Firefox
Version : 104.0.2
Télécharger pour Windows, macOS ou Linux