Nouvelle version du navigateur qui vient tout juste de sortir des fourneaux de la fondation Mozilla. Cette version 42.0 de Firefox inaugure pour la première fois une version 64 bits et stable pour Windows (par contre non compatible XP et Vista) sans compter de nombreuses nouveautés comme la protection contre les trackers ainsi que le support d'IPv6 pour le WebRTC.
Voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :
Télécharger Mozilla Firefox 42.0 Final
- New Private Browsing with Tracking Protection blocks certain Web elements that could be used to record your behavior across sites
- New Indicator added to tabs that play audio with one-click muting (Adobe Flash supported since version 19)
- New Login Manager improvements:
- Improved heuristics to save usernames and passwords
- Edit and show all logins in line, Copy/Paste usernames/passwords from the Context menu
- Migration imports your passwords to Firefox from Windows Chrome and IE; import anytime from the Login Manager
- New Control Center that contains site security and privacy controls
- New WebRTC improvements:
- IPV6 support
- Preferences for controlling ICE candidate generation and IP exposure
- Hooks for extensions to allow/deny createOffer/Answer
- Improved ability for applications to monitor and control which devices are used in getUserMedia
Consulter les notes de version de Mozilla Firefox 42.0
- Changed Improved performance on interactive websites that trigger a lot of restyles
- HTML5 Implemented ES6 Reflect
- HTML5 Support ImageBitmap and createImageBitmap()
- HTML5 Ship Push messaging with disabled web notifications from ServiceWorkers
- Developer View HTML source in a tab
- Developer Remote website debugging over WiFi (no USB cable or ADB needed)
- Developer Asynchronous call stacks now allow web developers to follow the code flow through setTimeout, DOM event handlers, and Promise handlers.
- Developer Configurable Firefox OS Simulator in WebIDE, to simulate reference devices like phones, tablets, even TVs
- Developer CSS filter presets in the Inspector
- Developer Ability to save filter presets inside CSS Filter Tooltip
- FixedVarious security fixes