Une nouvelle version stable du navigateur Firefox vient de sortir. Pour cette version 56.0, peu de changements car les plus grosses modifications sont à attendre pour la version 57.0. En effet, Firefox 56.0 est la dernière version à supporter les extensions classiques avant leur désactivation et leur remplacement par les WebExtensions dans la prochaine version.
On notera tout de même la refonte des Options/Préférences du navigateur et l'inclusion de Firefox Screenshots, un outil permettant la capture d'une page ou d'une portion de celle-ci avant une sauvegarde locale ou sur le Cloud de Mozilla.
Voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :
- Fix for shutdown crash (Bug 1404105)
- Correct detection for 64-bit GSSAPI authentication (Bug 1409275)
- Fix for video-related crashes on Windows 7 (Bug 1409141)
- Disable Form Autofill completely on user request (Bug 1404531)
- Block D3D11 when using Intel drivers on Windows 7 systems with partial AVX support (bug 1403353)
- Users of 32-bit Firefox on 64-bit Windows are migrated to 64-bit Firefox for increased stability and security.
- Launched Firefox Screenshots, a feature that lets users take, save, and share screenshots without leaving the browser
- Added support for address form autofill (en-US only)
- Media is no longer auto-played when opened in a background tab
- Updated Preferences
- Added search tool so users can find a specific setting quickly
- Reorganized preferences so users can more easily scan settings
- Rewrote descriptions so users can better understand choices and how they affect browsing
- Revised data collection choices so they align with updated Privacy Notice and data collection strategy#
- Added hardware acceleration for AES-GCM
- Improved security for verifying update downloads
- Smaller downloads (approximately a 20% reduction in size) for updating
- Updated the Safe Browsing protocol to version 4
- Replaced character encoding converters with a new Encoding Standard-compliant implementation written in Rust
- Added Layout Panel to CSS Grid DevTools