Mozilla Firefox 71.0 stable

Une nouvelle mouture navigateur Firefox est arrivé. Au programme, on pourra remarquer l'intégration du mode Picture-in-Picture qui affiche une miniature d'une vidéo en cours de lecture au premier plan ainsi qu'un mode plein écran, appelée Kiosk, spécialement prévu pour les ordinateurs situés dans des lieux publics.

Mozilla a également amélioré Lockwise, le gestionnaire de mot de passe, afin de gérer les sous-domaines. Et pour terminer, le support du MP3 est désormais natif dans Firefox.

Voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :

Nouveautés de Firefox 71.0 (03/12/2019)


  • Improvements to Lockwise, our integrated password manager:
    • Firefox now recognizes subdomains and will autofill domain logins from Lockwise
    • Integrated breach alerts from Firefox Monitor are now available to users with screen readers
  • More information about Enhanced Tracking Protection in action:
    • Notifications when Firefox blocks cryptominers
    • A running tally of blocked trackers in the protection panel accessed by clicking the address bar shield
  • Picture-in-picture video comes to Firefox for Windows: Select the blue icon from the right edge of a video to pop open a floating window so you can keep watching while working in other tabs. Learn how the feature works.
  • Native MP3 decoding on Windows, Linux, and macOS




  • New kiosk mode functionality, which allows maximum screen space for customer-facing displays


  • Developer Information
  • Added support for developers, including:
    • DevTools’ Network panel can now inspect WebSocket messages and automatically formats a variety of framework formats
    • Console’s new multi-line editor mode provides an IDE-like experience that makes it convenient to iterate on longer code snippets
    • The Network panel’s new resource blocking can simulate the impact of tracking protection, security, service outages, and bad connectivity for more robust testing
    • More features and improvements can be found every release in DevTools’ “What’s New” panel in en-US
  • New videos every week on the Mozilla Developer YouTube channel
  • Improvements to the website certificate viewer, with more features and more detailed information
  • Extension popup windows now include the extension name instead of its moz-extension:// url when using the windows.create API
  • Extension-registered devtools panels now interact better with screen readers
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