Mozilla Firefox 74.0.1

Une nouvelle mouture du navigateur Firefox est arrivé. Au programme, quelques petits changements par-ci par-là, comme la possibilité de d'importer ses favoris depuis la nouvelle version de Microsoft Edge ainsi que de pouvoir ouvrir un nouvel onglet dans un conteneur (pour rappel, un conteneur est un espace de navigation isolé ou aucun cookie ou autre information n'est partagé avec le reste des autres onglets) avec un clic droit sur le bouton adéquat (le "+" à droite des onglets).

Les extensions installés par des logiciels externes sont désormais visible et peuvent être désinstallés depuis Firefox. Pour terminer, Mozilla a désactivé le support des protocoles TLS 1.0 et 1.1, les sites n'ayant pas fait la migration vers TLS 1.2 afficheront un message d'erreur.

Voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :

Nouveautés de Firefox 74.0.1 (03/04/2020) Nouveautés de Firefox 74.0 (10/03/2020)


  • Your login management has improved with the ability to reverse alpha sort (Name Z-A) in Lockwise, which you can access under Logins and Passwords.
  • Firefox now makes importing your bookmarks and history from the new Microsoft Edge browser on Windows and Mac simple.
  • Add-ons installed by external applications can now be removed using the Add-ons Manager (about:addons). Going forward, only users can install add-ons; they cannot be installed by an application.
  • Facebook Container prevents Facebook from tracking you around the web - Facebook logins, likes, and comments are automatically blocked on non-Facebook sites. But when we need an exception, you can now create one by adding custom sites to the Facebook Container.
  • Firefox now provides better privacy for your web voice and video calls through support for mDNS ICE by cloaking your computer’s IP address with a random ID in certain WebRTC scenarios.


  • Various security fixes.
  • We have fixed issues involving pinned tabs such as being lost. You should also no longer see them reorder themselves.


  • When a video is uploaded with a batch of photos on Instagram, the Picture-in-Picture toggle would sit atop of the “next” button. The toggle is now moved allowing you to flip through to the next image of the batch.
  • On Windows, Ctrl+I can now be used to open the Page Info window instead of opening the Bookmarks sidebar. Ctrl+B still opens the Bookmarks sidebar making keyboard shortcuts more useful for our users.
  • We have disabled TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 to improve your website connections. Sites that don't support TLS version 1.2 will now show an error page.


  • Developer Information
  • Firefox’s Debugger added support for debugging Nested Web Workers, so their execution can be paused and stepped through with breakpoints
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