Mozilla Firefox 95.0.2

Une nouvelle mouture du navigateur Firefox est arrivé. Pour cette version, Firefox est désormais disponible au téléchargement depuis le Microsoft Store depuis Windows 10 et 11.

Autrement, l'intégration de RLBox permet à Firefox une protection supplémentaire contre les attaques et autres vulnérabilités, de même que la fonction d'isolation de sites est désormais active avec cette version pour tous les utilisateurs. D'autres améliorations concernant l'usage du processeur et de la mémoire ont été également fait sur Windows et macOS.

Voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :

Nouveautés de Firefox 95.0.2 (19/12/2021)


  • Addresses frequent crashes experienced by users with C/E/Z-Series "Bobcat" CPUs running on Windows 7, 8, and 8.1.

Consulter les notes de version de Mozilla Firefox 95.0.2

Nouveautés de Firefox 95.0.1 (16/12/2021)


  • Fixed frequent MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_OCSP_RESPONSE_FOR_CERT_MISSING error messages when trying to connect to various domains (bug 1745600)
  • Fix for a WebRender crash on some Linux/X11 systems (bug 1741956)
  • Fix for a frequent Windows shutdown crash (bug 1738984)
  • Fix websites contrast issues for some Linux users with Dark mode set at OS level (bug 1740518)

Consulter les notes de version de Mozilla Firefox 95.0.1

Nouveautés de Firefox 95.0 (07/12/2021)


  • RLBox — a new technology that hardens Firefox against potential security vulnerabilities in third-party libraries — is now enabled on all platforms.
  • Good news! You can now download Firefox from the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 and Windows 11 platforms.Simplified browser chrome and toolbar screenshot
  • We’ve reduced CPU usage on macOS in Firefox and WindowServer during event processing.
  • We’ve also reduced the power usage of software decoded video on macOS, especially in fullscreen. This includes streaming sites such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
  • You can now move the Picture-in-Picture toggle button to the opposite side of the video. Simply look for the new context menu option Move Picture-in-Picture Toggle to Left (Right) Side.
  • To better protect Firefox users against side-channel attacks such as Spectre, Site Isolation is now enabled for all Firefox 95 users.


  • After starting Firefox, users of the JAWS screen reader and ZoomText magnifier will no longer need to switch applications in order to access Firefox.
  • You’ll find the state of controls using the ARIA switch role is now correctly reported by Mac OS VoiceOver.
  • You’ll see a faster content process startup on macOS.
  • We’ve also made memory allocator improvements.
  • And we’ve improved page load performance by speculatively compiling JavaScript ahead of time.
  • Various stability, functionality, and security fixes


  • We’ve added a User Agent override for, which allows Firefox users to use more Call features and have access to Huddles.




  • On macOS command-clicking links in Gmail still does not open a new tab. Workaround: you can click links in Gmail without pressing command, which will still open a new tab.

Consulter les notes de version de Mozilla Firefox 95.0

Mozilla Firefox
Version : 95.0.2
Télécharger pour Windows, macOS ou Linux

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