Mozilla Firefox 114.0.2

Une nouvelle mouture du navigateur Firefox est arrivée. Pour cette version 114, une longue liste de nouveauté est à déguster.

Pour commencer, Mozilla améliore la gestion des exceptions du DNS over HTTPS, il y a maintenant une possibilité de rechercher ses marques-pages depuis la barre d'adresses, la liste des extensions depuis le bouton dédié peut être réorganisée.
Côté sécurité, les utilisateurs de Windows 7, macOS et Linux peuvent s'authentifier grâce au protocole FIDO2 / WebAuthn avec un matériel externe USB afin de se passer totalement de mots de passe.

Autrement, quelques corrections et autres améliorations pour les entreprises et les développeurs.

Voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :

Nouveautés de Firefox 114.0.2 (20/06/2023)


Consulter les notes de version de Mozilla Firefox 114.0.2

Nouveautés de Firefox 114.0.1 (09/06/2023)
Nouveautés de Firefox 114.0 (06/06/2023)


  • Added UI to manage the DNS over HTTPS exception list.
  • Bookmarks can now be searched from the Bookmarks menu. The Bookmarks menu is accessible by adding the Bookmarks menu button to the toolbar.
  • Restrict searches to your local browsing history by selecting Search history from the History, Library or Application menu buttons.
  • Mac users can now capture video from their cameras in all supported native resolutions. This enables resolutions higher than 1280x720.
  • It is now possible to reorder the extensions listed in the extensions panel.
  • Users on macOS, Linux, and Windows 7 can now use FIDO2 / WebAuthn authenticators over USB. Some advanced features, such as fully passwordless logins, require a PIN to be set on the authenticator.
  • Pocket Recommended content can now be seen in France, Italy, and Spain.



  • DNS over HTTPS settings are now part of the Privacy & Security section of the Settings page and allow the user to choose from all the supported modes.



  • Developer Information
  • The Copy as cURL feature, available in the Network panel, has been enhanced. It now supports the --compressed argument.
  • The Accessibility Inspector has been improved to accurately recognize all the ARIA roles like bannermainnavigation, and contentinfo, etc. This enhancement is particularly beneficial for web developers working with ARIA roles to improve web accessibility.
  • Firefox now provides support for the CSS Cascading Level 4 supports() syntax for @import rules. This allows for the importation of other stylesheets based on support-dependency. In addition, the Inspector panel now accurately displays the conditions at the top of the imported rule.developer tools screenshot of the new @import syntax rule

Web Platform

  • DOM: Added support for ES Modules on DedicatedWorker and SharedWorker
  • WebTransport is now enabled by default and will be going to release with 114. As the original Explainer notes, it enables multiple use-cases that are hard or impossible to handle without it, especially for Gaming and live streaming. It covers cases that are problematic for alternative mechanisms, such as WebSockets.Built on top of HTTP3 (HTTP2 support will be coming later). The current implementation in Firefox is passing 505 out of 565 Web-Platform Tests.
  • CSS: The infinity and NaN constants are now supported inside the calc() function.

Consulter les notes de version de Mozilla Firefox 114.0

Mozilla Firefox
Version : 114.0.2
Télécharger pour Windows, macOS ou Linux

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