[MAJ] Opera 10 sort en Release Candidate

C'est la dernière ligne droite pour le navigateur Opera. En effet, l'éditeur du navigateur vient de publier une Release Candidate de la 10ème version qui sortira en version finale le 1er septembre.

Au menu des nouveautés :

Tout d'abord, on va signaler une nouvelle identité visuelle du navigateur, la nouvelle icône du logiciel. Après de nombreuses années, cette icône rafraichit est désormais compatible avec les formats d'affichage de Windows Vista/7 et de MacOS X (Explorateur/Superbar/Finder/Dock). Sans compter le changement de thème par défaut qui devient un peu plus sombre que celui de la version 9.

Coté fonctionnalités, Il ne faut pas oublier qu'Opera n'est pas seulement un navigateur, il est aussi un client mail, un logiciel de chat IRC, un client BitTorrent, contient de nombreux widgets (qui ne fonctionnent uniquement quand le navigateur est ouvert) et à tout cela s'ajoute avec cette version 10 la fameuse fonction "Turbo" censée accélérer le chargement des pages pour les plus petites connexions internet. Revers de la médaille cette fonction compresse drastiquement les images et réduit donc leur qualité. Quant à la fonction "Unite", elle ne sera pas incluse dans cette version, elle reste donc en bêta-test pour une sortie ultérieure... sûrement pour la version 10.10 d'Opera.

Voilà pour les nouveautés de cette version, place aux liens de téléchargements :

EDIT 29/08/2009 : Sortie de la Release Candidate 2

Télécharger Opera 10 Release Candidate 2 pour Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7
Télécharger Opera 10 Release Candidate 2 pour MacOS X (Processeurs Intel uniquement) / MacOS X (Universal Binaries)
Télécharger Opera 10 Release Candidate 2 pour UNIX/Linux

Le changelog complet de la Release Candidate (par rapport aux weekly builds) est dans la suite...

Changelog 10.0 RC (pour les utilisateurs des weekly builds)

User Interface

  • New application icon
  • Fixed the new tab button on the sides
  • Various small Visual Tabs fixes
  • Fixed a BitTorrent crash
  • Fix to jumping up/down of the new tab button while on the sides
  • Fixed Bug DSK-195906 (Opera error page selects URL field when displayed, also when focus is already inside URL field)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-257578 ("..." in site titles in some cases overlap the close button)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-258585 (Can't remove menu button when main menu is disabled): The menu button can be removed as any other toolbar button now (upgraders may have to reset the toolbar first)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-261205 (Strings don't fit in Preferences > Downloads [pl])
  • Fixed Bug DSK-261206 (Strings don't fit in Preferences > Programs [pl])
  • Fixed Bug DSK-261757 (Missing "splitter" in bookmark split view)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-261933 (Text cut off in startup dialog (Polish translation))
  • Fixed Bug DSK-261962 ("Reset Toolbar to Its Default" resets all toolbars, not just the current)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262181 (Empty [dropdown widget] section added to custom shortcuts by update)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262283 (Skin.ini section inconsistencies)


  • Various crash fixes
  • Fixed Bug CORE-19376 (Crash navigating history)
  • Fixed Bug CORE-23125 (Adding IFRAME with javascript: src through DOM adds history entry (Yandex))

Opera Mail

  • Fixed a crash
  • Fixed Bug DSK-245600 (Mail imported into account with no downloading of message bodies loses bodies)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-261035 (Crash when opening image attachments)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-261459 (Go to Unread View when requested, don't reuse a maximized mail view)


  • Crash Fix
  • Reverted Fix to Bug DSK-241262 (Error message when opening HTML files if Opera is not already running): This caused DSK-262363
  • Fixed Bug DSK-259756 (Installer removes icon pinned to the Windows 7 task bar)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-260498 (The list of closed tabs needs clicks to be shown)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262363 (Other programs using the http protocol to open websites in Opera just open blank page in Windows Vista and Windows 7)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-259743 (Closed tabs and new tab buttons have non-native looks in native skin)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262120 (Panel selector buttons in Native skin get Standard style when not on the left)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262272 (Closed tabs and new tab positioned incorrectly when tabbar is placed on left or right side)


  • Fixed Bug DSK-261726 (Closed Tabs button overlaps tabs when set to right or left and new tab button is disabled)


  • Fixed Bug DSK-259575 (Dead keys don't seem to work on widgets)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-250495 (Spell checking not working for some UNIX users)

Opera 10.0 RC2 :


  • A couple of possible fixes for pages that never stop loading (NSL)
  • Stability fixes
  • Native skin fixes
  • Widgets should work when upgrading from 9.64
  • Icon fixes for Windows and Unix


User Interface

  • Native skin fixes
  • Several fixes to strings that don't fit
  • Fixed Bug DSK-210876 (Reload Image is ignored after unfinished image load)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262341 (Deleting Speed Dials aren't synced)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262356 (Crash on exit after deleting private data)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262389 (Crash in address bar dropdown)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262523 ("Sychronize Opera" button in Speed Dial is not working)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262622 (Crash when downloading spelling checker languages)


  • Fixed high CPU on HTML5 spec page
  • Fixed Bug CORE-21052 (Using keys in match expressions causes crash)
  • Fixed Bug CORE-23155 (Blocking content that is added as an iframe src using JavaScript causes page to never stop loading)
  • Fixed Bug CORE-23169 (Opera claims collapsed selection isn't collapsed -- causes emoticon deletion in Gmail): Bad selection values in scripts when selection is the caret in documentedit
  • Fixed Bug DSK-248214 (Crash when saving a picture that has not been fully downloaded)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-258402 (Several images redirected to same URL can cause NSL)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-261860 (Upgrading Opera from 9.64 to 10, widgets connecting to the Internet get network problems on first run, works after reload)


  • Improved 8-bit icons, added 4-bit icons, PNG compressed bigger icons, lower quality icons for mail and chat
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262674 (Context menu height calculations off, causing "more items..." to show)


  • New/updated icons
  • Fixed Bug DSK-238564 (Icon files are not installed with install.sh)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262492 (Old icon shows when dragging text)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-262757 (Qt3: Do not use XPM files to draw icon in system tray, use images from skin instead)
  • Fixed Bug DSK-252305 (Can not easily focus a widget on major Linux desktop environments)
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