C'est à 3 semaines de sa sortie finale qu'il devient intéressant de tester la dernière ébauche du travail acharné des développeurs de chez Canonical car la 2ème bêta d'Ubuntu 10.04 alias Lucid Lynx vient de sortir corrigeant une flopée de problèmes rencontrés avec la bêta 1.
Mais avant de parler des problèmes, voyons ce que contient cette bêta :
- Kernel 2.6.32-16.25 basé sur le
- Gnome 2.30 et KDE SC 4.4
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 : après un moment passé avec Yahoo! en moteur de recherche par défaut, c'est le retour vers Google qui a été choisi pour la version finale
- Suppression de HAL : Et Ubuntu n'a jamais démarré aussi rapidement
- likewise-open : fonctions serveur et authentification domaine Active Directory au programme
- Drivers nVidia : Ubuntu est maintenant capable d'avoir 3 versions installés en même temps, mais ne peut en utiliser qu'un seul à la fois (normal... 😉 )
- Nouvel écran de boot / nouvelles notifications et nouveau thèmes par défaut
- Ubuntu One Music Store et synchronisation de fichiers
Il y a des petits bugs d'utilisation avec cette bêta 2, les voici en anglais :
Consulter les notes de version d'Ubuntu 10.04 bêta 2Known issues
As is to be expected at this stage of the release process, there are several known bugs that users are likely to run into with Ubuntu 10.04 Beta 2. We have documented them here for your convenience along with any known workarounds, so that you don't need to spend time reporting these bugs again:
- Because of the new alternatives system used for nvidia driver packages, the nvidia installer from NVIDIA's website currently doesn't work.
- Activating a RAID 1 array in degraded mode is reported to lead to RAID disks being reported as in sync when they are not, resulting in data loss. Since RAID 1 arrays will automatically be brought up in degraded mode when a member disk is unavailable, users with production software RAID 1 disks are advised not to upgrade to the 10.04 LTS Beta until this bug is resolved. (557429)
- When installing with the Kubuntu alternate CD in OEM mode, the "prepare for shipping" icon is absent from the desktop after install. As a workaround, users can use the Kubuntu desktop CD. This issue will be resolved for the 10.04 LTS release. (557309)
- If additional packages are selected for installation in OEM mode, a message will be shown at user configuration time that "An error occurred while installing packages" if no network connection is available. This issue will be resolved for the 10.04 LTS release. (539710)
- LVM, RAID, or encrypted block devices are incorrectly limited to 2TiB. This issue will be resolved for the 10.04 LTS release. (543838)
- The "Reboot now" option in the Wubi installer will sometimes fail to reboot Windows. To work around this issue, you can reboot manually to Ubuntu. (543032)
- Due to a seed issue, Edubuntu doesn't have its artwork in this release. That can easily be fixed post-installation by manually installing the edubuntu-artwork package.
Téléchargement :
- http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/ (Ubuntu Desktop et Server)
- http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/beta-2/ (Ubuntu DVDs)
- http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/beta-2/ (Ubuntu Server pour UEC et EC2)
- http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/10.04/ (Kubuntu Desktop et Netbook Remix)
- http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/beta-2/ (Xubuntu)
- http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/lucid/beta-2/ (Edubuntu)
- http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/lucid/beta-2/ (Mythbuntu)
- http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/lucid/beta-2/ (Ubuntu Studio)