Une nouvelle mouture du navigateur Firefox est arrivé. Au programme, quelques petites modifications et améliorations comme la possibilité de pouvoir exécuter plusieurs installations de Firefox côte à côte, la protection contre les mineurs de cryptomonnaie ainsi que les détecteurs d'empreintes digitales.
Concernant l'affichage des pages, WebRender (moteur d'affichage graphique des pages assistée par la carte graphique) sera activé graduellement sur les cartes graphiques nVidia au fils des prochaines semaines...
Pour terminer, les WebExtensions sont désormais désactivés par défaut en mode de navigation privée jusqu'à ce que vous autorisiez leur exécution...
Voici la liste complète des modifications par rapport à la version précédente :
- Fix JavaScript error ("TypeError: data is null in PrivacyFilter.jsm") in console which may significantly degrade sessionstore reliability and performance (bug 1553413)
- Proxy authentication dialog box repeatedly pops up asking to authenticate after upgrading to Firefox 67 (bug 1548804)
- Pearson MyCloud breaks if FIDO U2F is not Chrome's implementation (bug 1551282)
- Starting in safe mode on Linux or macOS causes Firefox to think on the subsequent launch that the profile is too recent to be used with this version of Firefox (bug 1556612)
- Linux distribution users can't easily install/use additional/different languages using the built-in preferences UI (bug 1554744)
- Developer tools users can't copy the href/src content from various HTML tags via the context menu in the Inspector markup view (bug 1552275)
- Custom home page is broken with clearing data on shutdown settings applied (bug 1554167)
- Performance-regression for eclipse RAP based applications (bug 1555962)
- macOS 10.15 crash fix (bug 1556076)
- Can't start two downloads in parallel via
<a download>
anymore (bug 1542912)
In this version, Firefox helps you get better acquainted with our family of products and services through a new experience that includes a set of web pages and in-browser notifications. All Firefox products and services have powerful privacy protection built in; joining Firefox provides users with additional features and capabilities. These experiences will highlight these benefits. The new experience will roll out for English (en-US, en-GB, en-CA), French (fr) and German (de) browser users today, expanding to other languages in the coming weeks.
- With the new experience, there will be an opportunity for users to opt in for test-driving upcoming products during registration.
For new users, this release will come with Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP), stronger privacy protections on by default as “Standard” in the Privacy & Security setting. Firefox Enhanced Tracking Protection will now automatically block third-party tracking cookies that appear on the Disconnect list. Firefox will continue to block third-party tracking loads in private windows, as it has done since version 42.
- For existing users, while ETP will be rolling out by default in the coming months, you can turn this feature on today under Preferences, select Privacy & Security to select the Custom menu, and under the Content Blocking section, mark the Cookies checkbox and choose “Third-party trackers” in the Cookies pull down menu.
With this release, a number of our products and services are expanding their capabilities. Coupled with our browser, and with a Firefox account, they extend your online privacy and security and increase convenience, giving you peace of mind.
- Facebook Container version 2.0 expands functionality to prevent Facebook from tracking you on other websites that embed Facebook Likes, Shares and comments in their pages, greatly limiting Facebook’s ability to track your activities across the web.
- Firefox Lockwise (formerly Lockbox), with its new name, look and feel, is now fully cross-platform with the introduction of the Lockwise desktop extension in this release. With the Android and iOS apps, and now with the desktop extension, Lockwise allows you to take your passwords across all devices and safely auto-fill login details as you need on any browser or app once logged in with a Firefox account.
- Firefox Monitor 2.0 expands its capabilities to allow users with a Firefox account to monitor multiple email addresses and receive email alerts when any of them are involved in a known breach. A dashboard also helps to show the total number of known breaches in which your email addresses have been involved.
- Firefox Send allows you to send files up to 1GB with end-to-end encryption and a link that automatically expires; with a Firefox account, the size limit becomes 2.5GB with additional controls for number of downloads or days, and the ability to password protect the file.